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Diversity in Venture Capital

Venture capital has a diversity problem

Having a diverse range of people in the decision making seats is critical. 

However, VC is not representative of the world we live in and the population it serves.

Typically, entrepreneurs solve problems familiar to them. 

Similarly, investors back those who look, speak, and act like them.

This not only affects who gets backed, but also what solutions get backed, and who those solutions serve.

But, we’re not about to sit back and let that happen.

Our mission is to level the playing field for people from typically and structurally overlooked and underestimated backgrounds - ensuring that the next generation of investors represent the world that we live in.

We are democratising the venture capital ecosystem by bridging the knowledge gap and helping to grow a new generation of investors who will advocate for the untapped potential out there.

Allyship in venture capital

Without allies, this already tough road is even tougher. We seek out those who want to use their privilege for good and understanding allyship is a key part of our programs.

Venture capital has a diversity problem.

Having a diverse range of people in the decision making seats is critical. 

However, VC is not representative of the world we live in and the population it serves.

Typically, entrepreneurs solve problems familiar to them. 

Similarly, investors back those who look, speak, and act like them.

This not only affects who gets backed, but also what solutions get backed, and who those solutions serve.

But, we’re not about to sit back and let that happen.

Our mission is to level the playing field for people from typically and structurally overlooked and underestimated backgrounds - ensuring that the next generation of investors represent the world that we live in.

We are democratising the venture capital ecosystem by bridging the knowledge gap and helping to grow a new generation of investors who will advocate for the untapped potential out there.

Allyship in venture capital

Without allies, this already tough road is even tougher. We seek out those who want to use their privilege for good and understanding allyship is a key part of our programs.

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